MCS Isn’t an Anxiety Disorder

The idea that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an anxiety disorder is one that just won’t go away, despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary. I wrote a post about some of the studies demonstrating biological causes 11 years ago and I’m going to revisit the topic today and briefly discuss some of what we’ve learned since then. Some of these mechanisms overlap and work together, but I’ll separate them for the sake of clarity.

  • Mast cells may be involved. A 2021 study notes that our understanding of mast cells and their ability to cause inflammatory and allergic responses has grown rapidly in the past decade. Mast cells are the body’s first responders, reacting quickly when they perceive a threat. They respond to different threats in specific ways, releasing histamine in response to a bee sting, for example, and different mediators in response to chemical exposures. The authors note that mast cell activation appears capable of explaining chemical, food, and drug intolerances that follow exposure to a wide range of xenobiotics (chemicals not naturally produced by the body). After comparing patients with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Chemical Intolerance (CI) or Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) they note that “as the likelihood of patients having MCAS increases, their likelihood of having CI/TILT similarly increases, to a near-perfect correspondence at the high ends of these scales.”

  • Stimulation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and the NMDA receptor may be part of the process. If you’re interested in this fascinating but somewhat complicated topic, block off some time, put on your thinking cap, and watch the brilliant and tireless Bob Miller (who I’ve worked with for years) explain it in a recent video

    The AHR is a unique environmental sensor that, depending on what it binds with, can act in either a pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory manner. Exposure to certain chemicals and other things, including mycotoxins from mold, can lead it to initiate a process that stimulates mast cells. The process Miller describes can also involve an increase in intracellular calcium. When the balance is off between the calcium outside and inside our cells, it can cause significant problems, including damage to the immune and central nervous systems.

  • Chemical exposures can activate the cell danger response (CDR). The CDR is triggered when threats in the environment overwhelm the cell’s capacity to meet them. A 2020 article notes that people can be resistant to exposures, but then become vulnerable to reactions after a predisposing event. The author adds that in sensitive people, “whose cell danger response has been primed by a perfect storm of previous chemical, microbial, physical, and/or psychological stresses,” exposures can cause significant and long-lasting reactions. In an earlier publication, the author noted that an understanding of the CDR helps us reframe old ideas about disease development for a wide range of conditions, including “food and chemical sensitivity syndromes.”

  • Endocrine disrupting chemicals may be part of the picture.  In a wonderful presentation that’s well worth watching, Dr. John Molot notes that traditional toxicology has always said that “the dose makes the poison,” so the field has had trouble understanding how people with MCS can react to such low levels of chemical pollutants. We now know, however, that some chemicals can act at very low doses, due to the way they interfere with the functioning of hormones. “Hormones” doesn’t just mean the reproductive ones. We have over 50, including serotonin, insulin, and cortisol, and they have wide-ranging effects.

    One of the ways that certain chemicals confuse our body is that they bind to the cell receptors where natural hormones are supposed to fit. Molot states, “If a foreign chemical has an affinity to bind to a receptor, it can stimulate it and initiate changes in cell signaling and function. Even very low, but repeated doses can stimulate the cell to produce even more of these receptors (this is called upregulation) which results in an increased ability to detect the chemical and increased responses by the cell to the perceived message.”

  • Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels may play a role. Molot notes that the 2021 Nobel prize was won by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discovery of this family of receptors. TRPs respond to stimuli, including from chemicals, and transmit corresponding signals to cells. Molot points out that there is robust evidence that these receptors can become sensitized. In fact, he points to 20 studies that show that two particular TRPs are sensitized in patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

  • There seems to be a strong genetic component. In particular, when people have a genetic profile that makes it harder for them to detoxify toxic compounds, they are much more likely to develop MCS. In my 2012 post I mentioned a study that found that women with variants in two genes associated with detoxification were over 18 times more likely to have MCS. In his video presentation, Molot points to seven published papers demonstrating that patients with MCS have more genetic variants related to poor detoxification than people without the condition do.

    In 2015, a fascinating study was published that indirectly points to the genetic component and detoxification challenges. The authors found that mothers with chemical intolerances were three times more likely than others to report having a child with autism. One possible explanation is that the children inherit the genes that make them poor detoxifiers from their mother and the buildup of toxins contributes to the development of autism. Another possibility is that even without inheriting the problematic genes, the children may simply be born with a higher toxic load because mothers unfortunately share some of their chemical body burden with their developing children. Whatever the mechanism, it seems unlikely that the correlation would exist if MCS were simply a psychological condition.

I often wonder why the “MCS is anxiety” narrative has such deep roots despite all the contrary evidence. As I’ve noted many times, part of the reason is that there’s been a very deliberate disinformation campaign which has been largely successful. I think it’s more than that, though.

I think there’s a belief that anxiety is something that people can think their way in and out of, and if we believe that people’s problems are on some level their own fault, we can assure ourselves that we’ll never find ourselves in their shoes. In the case of MCS, this also means that we don’t have to make the lifestyle changes that could make a difference. The reaction is understandable, but dangerous.

Yes, there’s a genetic component to MCS, but whether or not you have a profile that puts you at higher risk, you aren’t immune. A 2018 study found that the prevalence of MCS increased over 300% in a decade. And, of course, chemical exposures are linked to a wide range of other health effects, including cancer. Take care of yourself. Take care of those of us with MCS. Please make the changes that will give us all a healthier future.

How Far Away is Far Enough?

Evidently, I haven't written a blog post since November, which is not-coincidentally when my sons and I made the decision to sell or rent out our respective houses and find a shared-but-separate home together. Since that time, I've been fairly consumed with the logistics involved in making a move. I've written about housing enough in the past that I don't think I need to rehash all the difficulties involved for people with chemical illness. It's a huge issue, and I would truly appreciate prayers for the process.

One of the initial challenges my sons and I are encountering in the house hunting journey is the difficulty of finding a home far enough away from highways and other busy roads. Unfortunately, it's difficult to say with precision how far away is far enough, even for people without chemical illness. Traffic pollution is a significant health issue, both because it's so hard to avoid and because it contains a complex mixture of both gaseous pollutants and fine particulate matter. Here's some of the information I've found:

  • A publication by the National Resources Defense Council notes that health effects related to traffic pollution include cancer, heart disease, asthma, decreased lung function, pre-term birth, birth defects, and increased mortality related to such factors as heart attack, stroke, and pneumonia.

  • The publication notes that dramatically elevated pollutant levels are generally found within 500 feet of busy roadways, but under certain conditions can extend much further.

  • An article in the Digital Journal notes that people living within 300 feet of major roadways have higher rates of respiratory conditions, allergies, heart disease, and certain types of cancers.

  • The author reports that a California study found that in the early morning hours, traffic pollution travels a mile or more from the highways.

  • The article also states that the American Lung Association's 2013 "State of the Air" report determined that living or working within 0.3 miles of a highway or road is "more dangerous than people have been led to believe."

  • A Time magazine article reported on a study finding that children whose families lived within 1,000 feet of a freeway when they were born were twice as likely as others to have autism.

  • The Southern California Particle Center and Supersite (SCPCS) notes that many factors influence exposure to traffic pollution. These include weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and the speed and direction of the wind. Whether a home is upwind or downwind of the roadway is important, as is the construction of the house and the type of filtration system it has. Whether people are outdoors during peak traffic times or indoors with open windows also affects exposure levels.

So how close is too close? The SCPCS concludes that "scientists cannot say exactly how close is 'too close' at this point" and that "the closer people are to the source of traffic emissions, the higher their exposure is to many of the constituents of exhaust." Studies indicate that vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, or those with pre-existing health conditions should be especially careful. An article in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine notes that exposure to traffic-related pollution can contribute to the development of COPD and that enhanced susceptibility is seen in people with asthma, which might be expected, and diabetes, which seems to me a less obvious association. Although I haven't seen this advice in print, I've been told that one expert in toxic illness recommends that those of us who suffer from MCS live at least five miles from a highway, which seems like good advice that can be extremely difficult to follow, especially when taking the needs of other family members into account.

Mitigating the health effects of traffic pollution, especially for those not planning a move, isn't easy. Avoiding as many other sources of chemical exposures as possible will help lower the overall toxic burden on the body. Good air filtration can help, as well, and planting vegetation can also be of some use. Although, in general, indoor air pollution is higher than that found outdoors, those living near busy roadways may find it prudent to shut windows and stay indoors during peak traffic hours.

To a degree, the issue seems to be gaining more attention. As I noted in a previous post, some state and local authorities are beginning to address the issue of building schools near major roadways, while others continue to ignore the risks. Compelling evidence of health effects does not appear to be enough, in and of itself, to consistently motivate action. Perhaps a growing awareness of the issue will inspire parents to raise the issue and apply pressure when decisions are being made.

Will the pollution from busy roadways become less problematic as electric and hybrid cars increase in popularity? Yes, to a degree, but some experts conclude that fine particulates from tire wear and roadway dust may continue to be an issue. I'm personally not pinning my hopes on a quick decrease in levels of exhaust fumes and am going to continue to pass on homes that are too close to busy roadways, no matter how well they fit other criteria. I just wish it weren't quite so challenging to figure out how far away is far enough.

Our Sensitive Sons

The common belief within the toxic illness community seems to be that women are more likely than men to develop the condition. This belief is reinforced by the fact that online support groups appear to have a greater percentage of female than male participants. I was somewhat surprised, then, to read an article this week that detailed ways in which boys may be more vulnerable to environmental pollutants than their female counterparts are.

The article, published in Environmental Health News, makes the following points:

  • There’s a stronger link between air pollution and autism in boys.

  • The insecticide chlorpyrifos, found in Dursban and other products, seems to reduce the IQs of boys more than girls.

  • Boys are more susceptible to damage from low-level lead exposure.

  • Phthalates, found in vinyl and many other products, have been linked to larger behavioral changes, primarily aggression and attention disorders, in boys.

  • A study found that high in-utero exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA), another ubiquitous chemical, caused hyperactivity, aggression, and anxiety in boys, but not girls. The boys were also born with lower thyroid hormones, while female levels were normal.

The author explains the findings by noting that the pre-birth development of a female is simpler than that of a male. It takes a greater number of cell divisions to make a male, and with each division comes a greater vulnerability to toxic exposures.

After birth, these vulnerabilities continue. In females, the XX chromosome offers a bit of back-up protection, with a healthy X able to take over for one with a genetic defect. Males, with their XY makeup, have no such backup system. The article also notes that X chromosomes carry more genetic information, so the XY combination may mean a loss of brain development proteins or repair mechanisms.

In addition, estrogen protects the brain. Their lower estrogen levels mean that male brains are more fragile and prone to injury. Hormone imbalances may contribute to a wide range of chemical-related health effects, because many chemicals are endocrine disruptors which suppress or mimic hormones.

If it’s true that the common belief is that women are more vulnerable to chemical illness and the truth is the opposite, why is that? Perhaps it’s because we still have a lot to learn as a culture about all the possible symptoms that toxic exposures can cause. There will always be differences between boys and girls, but maybe some of the “natural boy” traits we’ve assigned to the gender, such as aggression, hyperactivity, and lack of focus, aren’t entirely natural after all.

Brain Drain

In 2006, physicians associated with the Harvard School of Public Health and Mount Sinai hospital authored an article linking common chemicals to neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Although they noted that hundreds of chemicals are known to have neurotoxic effects, they singled out five chemicals of special concern for developing brains. Last week, in an article published in the journal Lancet Neurology, authors Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan added six more chemicals to the list.

Key points from the study and reports of it by Forbes and CNN include the following:

  • Young and pre-born children are especially sensitive to the effects of neurotoxins. Effects include autism and lowered IQ. Landrigan notes, "Beyond IQ, we're talking about behavior problems -- shortening of attention span, increased risk of ADHD. We're talking about emotional problems, less impulse control, (being) more likely to make bad decisions, get into trouble, be dyslexic and drop out of school. ... These are problems that are established early, but travel through childhood, adolescence, even into adult life."

  • The chemicals are known to cross the blood brain barrier. When this happens to children with developing brains the effects are permanent.

  • Chemicals of concern include pesticides, solvents, flame retardants, and more. The authors note that at least 1,000 chemicals have demonstrated an ability to interfere with brain function in animal studies. Landrigan adds, "We are very worried that there are a number of other chemicals out there in consumer products that we all contact every day that have the potential to damage the developing brain, but have never been safety tested.” Grandjean notes, "We are not just talking about single chemicals anymore. We are talking about chemicals in general."

  • The authors call for testing of all chemicals. Landrigan notes that the problem is not one of capability, but of political will.

The Safe Chemicals Act continues to languish in Washington. Other countries have taken action. In 2007, the European Union enacted REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals). Landrigan remarks, "I find it very irritating some of the multinational manufacturers are now marketing products in Europe and the U.S. with the same brand name and same label, but in Europe (they) are free of toxic chemicals and in the U.S. they contain toxic chemicals."

Yep. I too, find it irritating. The words infuriating and ridiculous also come to mind. If the brain health of our most vulnerable doesn't move us to action, I'm not sure what will.

Red Alert: Generational Poisoning

A couple of months ago I wrote a post entitled Do It For the Grandkids discussing how epigenetic changes caused by chemical exposures can have effects that are transmitted for generations. I hadn't planned to revisit the topic so soon, but the issue keeps coming to my attention in various ways, and it's important enough that I feel inclined to address it again.

An article entitled Red Alert for Humanity: Chemical Damage Can be Inherited by Offspring Through Unlimited Generations highlights a study in which exposure to a common fungicide caused neurological and behavioral changes that were passed on indefinitely. I don’t consider myself much of an alarmist by nature, but the “Red Alert” label does seem to fit. This is serious business. The article makes the following points:

  • People are being affected by chemicals to which they were never exposed. We are a product of our ancestors' exposures, and future generations will be affected by what we are encountering today.

  • The conventional wisdom has been that damaging effects of chemical exposures are limited to the generation that experienced them. This is proving not to be the case.

  • The transgenerational transference of the effects of chemical exposures appears to continue indefinitely. The human genetic code is being permanently altered.

  • The study's lead researcher believes that cumulative effects of chemical toxins may be a key contributing factor to the rise of diseases and conditions like autism, obesity and infertility.

This study and many others link epigenetic changes not only to health, but to behavioral effects. When gene expression is altered by the environment, growth and activity of neurons in the brain can also be altered. This can, in turn, affect behavior. Some of the attributes that have been linked to epigenetic differences include impulsivity, risk-taking, disinhibition, anxiety levels, stress response, learning, attention, eating disorders, addiction risk, and memory. Failing to take the issue of chemical toxicity seriously can have wide-ranging and extremely long-lasting effects. The sirens are blaring and the red lights are flashing. Let's pay attention.