As Thanksgiving approaches, it seems a good time to stop and say a few words of thanks to those who make the journey of chemical sensitivity easier for those of us who walk it. There are many things for which to be grateful, and I’ll list a handful of them that come to mind, in no particular order. I'm sure I speak for many when I express true, heartfelt gratitude for the following:
Friends and family members who make the changes necessary so that we can be part of their lives
People who not only educate themselves about toxicity and chemical sensitivity issues, but make the effort to educate others, as well
People who help us meet basic needs for food, shelter and clothing when doing so becomes challenging and complicated
Family members who take care of the home-related tasks we can no longer accomplish
Friends and family members who make an effort to stay in touch through e-mail or phone contact
People who are willing to endure some discomfort, such as meeting outside in non-perfect weather, so that we can be part of a gathering
Christian radio, television and internet ministries
Manufacturers who make healthier products and the retailers who carry them
Doctors who treat us and speak for us despite the battles they face with insurers and others
Neighbors who care for their lawns in non-toxic ways
Business owners who use safer cleaning and maintenance products
People who believe us when we describe our reactions to chemicals, although our experience is strange and foreign to them
People who work on behalf of the chemically sensitive community by maintaining websites, running support groups, writing books and doing other advocacy work
The comfort found through Christ, and the promise of a better life to come